BlackRock and Grayscale own 2.96% of Bitcoin’s circulating supply, out of a net inflow of $202 million

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U.S.-based Bitcoin ETFs saw a net inflow of $202.6 million on Aug. 26, according to data from SoSo Value.

Teleprinter Sponsor Prem./Dsc. Aug. 26 Entry Just an influx Share BTC Exchanged value
IBIT Black rock -0.13% $224.06 million $20.93 billion 1.81% $704.81 million
GBTC Grayscale +0.02% $0.00 -$19.73 billion 1.15% $141.54 million
FBTC Loyalty -0.22% -$8.33 million $9.88 billion 0.91% $164.37 million
ARKB Ark -0.23% $0.00 $2.53 billion 0.24% $69.43 million
BITB Bitwise -0.29% -$16.61 million $2.03 billion 0.19% $56.23 million
BTC Grayscale -0.10% $0.00 $356.69 million 0.17% $34.97 million
HODL VanEck -0.23% -$7.18 million $592.58 million 0.06% $8.92 million
BRRR Valkyrie -0.21% $0.00 $526.96 million 0.05% $2.00 million
BTCO Invesco +0.04% $0.00 $355.28 million 0.04% $10.59 million
EZBC Franklin -0.21% $5.52 million $394.95 million 0.03% $4.90 million
BTCW Tree of wisdom -0.22% $5.06 million $211.44 million 0.02% $4.45 million

Starting with IBITmanaged by BlackRock, this ETF saw a substantial net inflow of $224.06 million on August 26. These inflows add to already impressive cumulative net inflows, which now stand at $20.93 billion. The fund is trading at a slight discount of 0.13% to its net asset value (NAV), holding a 1.81% stake in Bitcoin. With a trading volume of $704.81 million, IBIT continues to demonstrate its dominance in the Bitcoin ETF market, reflecting strong investor sentiment and a significant capital commitment.

On the other hand, GBTCoffered by Grayscale, showed no change in its net inflows on Aug. 26, maintaining a neutral stance. However, the fund has seen significant outflows over time, as evidenced by its cumulative net inflow of -$19.73 billion. Despite this, GBTC is trading at a slight premium of 0.02% and holds a 1.15% stake in Bitcoin. Its trading volume on that day was $141.54 million, indicating continued interest in the fund despite its prolonged outflows.

FBTCFidelity’s Bitcoin ETF, saw a net outflow of $8.33 million on Aug. 26, slightly reducing its cumulative net inflow to $9.88 billion. The ETF is trading at a 0.22% discount to its net asset value and holds a 0.91% stake in Bitcoin. Despite these outflows, the fund remains active in the market with trading volume of $164.37 million, demonstrating its resilience and continued relevance to investors.

THE ARKB The ETF, which originated from Ark’s 21Shares, saw no net inflows or outflows on Aug. 26, keeping its cumulative net inflows steady at $2.53 billion. The ETF is trading at a 0.23% discount to its net asset value and holds a relatively modest 0.24% share of Bitcoin. With $69.43 million in trading volume, ARKB continues to hold its ground in the market with steady, if not spectacular, activity.

Finally, BITBmanaged by Bitwise, saw a net outflow of $16.61 million on Aug. 26. However, its cumulative net inflows remain positive at $2.03 billion. The ETF is trading at a 0.29% discount to its net asset value and holds a 0.19% stake in Bitcoin. Trading volume for BITB was $56.23 million, reflecting a lower level of market activity than some other ETFs.

In summary, IBIT (BlackRock) leads the pack with the highest daily and cumulative net inflows, reflecting strong investor confidence. Notably, BlackRock and Grayscale together hold 2.96% of the circulating Bitcoin supply.


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